Erectile dysfunction can be a major problem for a lot of men in the world. Is a condition when a person finds it difficult to hold an erection. It not only causes physical stress but also effects the person mentally. There are a lot of factors that are associated with this condition. Though many people do not like discussing it, coming out and talking about it is important. Factors like aging, poor lifestyle or it can also be caused because of some medication that you are taking. It is not right to think that it is caused only due to aging and thus cannot be cured. Aging can just increase the chances of you suffering from erectile dysfunction. And VIAGRA is a very effective medicine in treating this condition. It is caused when the blood vessel around the organ narrows down thus resulting in less flow of blood in that region. And thus leading to impotence. Viagra has been winning the hearts of many over 30 years now. It was developed in the year of 1989 by a British scientist w...